About Me
I am Adam Gullett and welcome to my site that I use to share about my life and the things I am learning. Over the years I have been focused on working on many aspects of my life to become a much better husband, father, Christian, and leader.

Meet My Family
My biggest joys in life is my family. I am married to a beautiful woman (Hannah). We have three kids (William, Evelyn and Claire). Oh and a Sheepadoodle (Mercy). Any free moment I have I love spending it with them. We are a very active family and enjoy running and biking as a family every chance we can get.
My Hobbies
I have many interests that could fall into a category of a hobby but for the sake of space and your time I will keep it to the ones that I do the most and find the most amount of joy.

My Christian Life
My spiritual journey is one that started off in non-denominational churches with pastors that preached topically. But as I read the word and begun seeking truth and understanding through listening to and reading apologists works I have found that expository preaching is what I enjoy and find the most challenging form of preaching. It is one that really answers the most important life questions we have and it's not based on someone else's point of view. The Word speaks for it's self.
My Working Life
I started working when I was 10 as a newspaper boy with my family. I then took a job in the summers working a farm (very tough work and I can truly say farmers are some tough dedicated individuals that have my utmost respect).